5/29/2010 01:50:00 AM
It's pretty sad when it comes to leaving Japan.
As someone says, it seems like we've been here for a long time but somehow it's short.
I get used to live here and believe the other JUSST students do as well.
Because everyone could easily get used to a happy life.
With more and more notification about leaving here, the days i couldn't fall asleep are increasing.
I know i don't have to put it too strong.
but still.
*how sad this post is...= =
5/20/2010 01:23:00 AM
In case that my English ability will suddenly decrease right after going back to Taiwan, I decide to write my blog in English! Good Job, Shinde! (clap)
Please revise it for me if you found something weird...(grammar, spelling...etc)
Anyway, well (Suzuki-lize?!)
For celebrating a diligent guy spending more than 2 hrs to finish a online survey, we drank wine named "KAHLÚA".
It's pretty nice to drink it with milk. (dizzy)
For no reason, we started to watch the anime called "tokyo magnitude 8.0".
It's totally horrible anime for me, coz it reminds me the massive earthquake will be occured in Tokyo soon. (According to the News, scientist, rumors..)
While we were going to move on the 5th episode, I suddenly recall that "Probably 1 litre of tears is way sadder than this".
Then, we watched 1 litre of tears instead of anime.
Although I cried so bad when I watched it at first time, I still wanna give it a try now.
It is life, you have to face it and challenge it.
(I know it's just a drama, haha)
I recall everything after watching 1st episode.
Yeah...the heart-breaking ending
Let's finish it next time!!
What a unorganized article.
Exactly the same with the Chinese version... = =
5/16/2010 12:58:00 AM